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Advisory Opinions List

Opinion Title and Update Summary Keywords
IECDB AO 2000-11
Iowa Code s 56.12A is now 68A.505, Iowa Code s 56.2 is now 68A.102, see also Iowa Admin. Code rule 351-4.1(5)

When an Issue is a "Ballot Issue" for Purposes of Prohibition on Use of Public Funds
*rule 4.1(5)

ballot issue, 56.12a, 68a.505, 56.2, 68a.102, public moneys, public resources
IECDB AO 2000-10
Iowa Code section 56.41 is now section 68A.302; Iowa Admin. Code rule 351-4.42(2)(c) is now rule 351-4.25(2)(c); see also Iowa Admin Code rules 351-4.25(1)(h),(p), and (2)(b)

Prohibition on Purchase of Food with Campaign Funds Except for Campaign Purposes
*rules 4.25(1)"h"&"p", 4.25(2)"b"&"c"

office holder, meal, meals, food, 56.41,68a.302, office holder, campaign funds, officeholder expenses, officeholder expense
IECDB AO 2000-09
Iowa Code section 56.41 is now section 68A.302

Use of Campaign Funds to Purchase Refreshments for Campaign Related Meeting
*issued to Representative Christopher Rants

refreshment, refreshments, food, meal, meals, campaign related purpose, 56.41, 68a.302, campaign purpose, rants, legislative meeting, campaign funds, 2000-10
IECDB AO 2000-08
Iowa Administrative Code rule 351-13.5 has been rescinded.

Automatic Suspension of Individuals Who Lobby Executive Branch Agencies Without Being 
*rule rescinded

lobbying, lobbyist, registration, register, lobby, lobbyist registration, administrative resolution, failure to register
IECDB AO 2000-07
Iowa Code section 56.41 is now section 68A.302; see also Iowa Admin Code rule 4.25(1)(t)

Individuals Using Campaign Funds for Purpose of Paying Membership Dues to Belong to a Chamber of Commerce.

*rule 4.25(1)"t"

membership , member, chamber of commerce, dues, service organization, professional organization, 56.41, 68a.302, membership dues, campaign funds
IECDB AO 2000-06
Iowa Code s 68A.12A is now 68A.505, rule 12.3(3) is now rule 5.5(8)

Public Officials and Employees Using Official Job Titles in Campaign Literature
*rule 5.5(6)

clothing, 68a.12a, 68a.505, clothes, public resources, public moneys, public property
IECDB AO 2000-05
Iowa Code s 56.12A is now s 68A.505; Iowa Admin. Code r 351-12.3(3) is now r 351-5.5(8)

Public Officials and Employees Using Official Job Titles in Campaign Literature
*rule 5.5(6)

job title, title, 56.12a, 68a.505, public resources, public moneys, campaign literature, 68b.2a
IECDB AO 2000-04
Iowa Code s 56.41 is now 68A.302; see also Iowa Admin Code r 351-4.25(1)(i)

Individuals Using Campaign Funds for Rental or Purchase of Formal Wear to Attend Political
*rule 4.25(1)4"i"

formal wear, clothing, clothes, 56.41, 68a.302, campaign funds, campaign purpose, clothing rental
IECDB AO 2000-03
Iowa Code s 56.41 is now 68A.302 and Iowa Admin. Code r 351-4.42(1) is now r 351-4.25(1)(s)

Purchase of Newspaper Subscriptions to The Des Moines Register, The Wall Street Journal and Roll 
* rule 4.25(1) "s"

newspaper, subscription, periodical, 56.41, 68a.302, campaign funds ,use of campaign funds, campaign purpose, newspaper subscription
IECDB AO 2000-02
Iowa Code s 56.15 is now 68A.503 and Iowa Admin Code r 351-4.88(3) is now 351-4.52(3)

Can Law PAC Accept Corporate Contributions to be Used as Administrative Costs of the PAC

PAC, sponsor, corporate, corporation, administrative expenses, administrative costs, administration, 56.15, 68a.503, Dinkla
IECDB AO 2000-01
Iowa Code s 56.12A is now section 68A.505

Individuals Wearing Law Enforcement Uniforms While Campaigning

uniform, law enforcement, public moneys, public resources, political purpose, photograph, photography, 56.12a, 68a.505