Iowa Ethics and Campaign Disclosure Board
An Independent Agency of the Executive Branch working to ensure the ethical standards for government officials and the integrity of political campaigns.
Learn about Iowa's government ethics laws covering government employees, officials, and lobbyists.
Government Ethics and Lobbying Act
Iowa Code chapter 68B covers conflicts of interest, reporting requirements, the state gift law, and more.
Ethics Reports & Due Dates
Learn about different ethics reports, who has to file, and more.
Ethics Forms and Resources
Resources including FAQs, brochures, publications, and committee information.
View Filed Ethics Reports
View ethics reports filed by government officials and employees.
Resources for individuals seeking general campaign information, laws and codes, reports, and filing deadlines.
Campaign Disclosure Act
Iowa Code chapter 68A covers the organization, disclosure requirements, and more for campaign activities in Iowa
Campaign Reports and Due Dates
Campaigns are responsible for knowing and following the laws requiring the filing of campaign disclosure reports on time
Campaign Forms and Resources
Resources including FAQs, brochures, publications, and candidate and committee information.
View Filed Campaign Reports
View campaign reports filed by Iowa candidates, PACs, and other groups who spend money on campaign activities in Iowa.
Contact Us
Contact us by emailing ethicsboard@iowa.gov
The Board's office is closed to the public. Meetings are by appointment only.
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