Campaign reporting due dates are based on the type of committee and whether it is an election year. A campaign committee (for candidate, PAC, or party) is created by electronically filing a statement of organization. A person or entity making an independent expenditure is only required to file an independent expenditure statement. All reports are due by 4:30 pm on the day the report is due.


Every candidate committee is required to periodically report its financial activity to the Ethics Board using the Ethics Board’s web reporting system. Reports must be electronically filed by 4:30 p.m. on the due date.  Reporting dates vary depending on the type of candidate committee and whether or not it is an election year for the candidate. A committee is required to file reports even if there is no financial activity during a reporting period until the committee is dissolved.      

Committees are responsible for knowing their reporting deadlines.  The Ethics Board strives to email every committee a reminder notice prior to every disclosure report filing deadline. However, these notices are merely a courtesy and the failure to receive a reminder notice is no excuse for an untimely report. Please contact the Board's staff if you need assistance determining your disclosure report filing deadlines.​

Political Committees (PACs)

A PAC must register by filing the Statement of Organization (DR-1) within ten days of crossing the $1000 threshold mentioned above. The PAC then files full disclosure reports on the following due dates until it dissolves:

Reports must be filed electronically at or before 4:30 pm of the due date through the Board's Web site. If a due date falls on a weekend or holiday the report deadline is extended to the next working day.

Other Campaign Reports