General Committee and Organization Information

Committees are responsible for knowing their deadlines. The Board strives to send every committee a reminder notice prior to every disclosure report filing deadline. However, these notices are merely a courtesy and the failure to receive a reminder notice is no excuse for an untimely report. Please contact the Board's staff if you need assistance determining your disclosure report filing deadlines. 

Top 10 Ways to Get Unwanted Mail from IECDB

  1. Filing a campaign disclosure report late. 
  2. Failing to place a "paid for by" attribution statement on political material (except for yard signs under 32 square feet, bumper stickers, clothing, and items of small size).
  3. Accepting a corporate contribution or placing campaign materials on corporate property.
  4. Placing campaign signs on public property including the public right-of-way.
  5. Filing a Statement of Organization late (due within 10 days of crossing financial threshold) or filing an amended statement late to reflect changes in information (due within 30 days of change), or filing a Statement of Dissolution late (due within 30 days of closing committee).
  6. Accepting contributions in excess of $25 without knowing name and address of donor.
  7. Using campaign funds for improper purposes (Iowa Code sections 68A.302 and 68A.303 and Board rule 351 IAC 4.25 set out proper purposes).
  8. Using public resources for a political purpose
  9. Ignoring a letter from the Board or relying on someone other than the Board for answers to campaign finance questions.
  10. Filing a Statement of Dissolution late (due within 30 days of closing committee).