What ethics reports are required to be filed by the executive branch of state government, how to file the reports, and when they are due. Report due dates vary depending on what activity you are reporting.
Filed ethics reports can be viewed within the Board's Web Reporting System.
List items for Agency Reporting of Gifts and Bequests
Agency Gifts and Bequests Reports
Pursuant to Iowa Code section 8.7, every executive branch agency (other than the Board of Regents and the Iowa State Fair Board) is required to report every gift or bequest it receives having a value of $50 or more to the Ethics Board. These reports must be filed electronically within twenty days of receiving the gift.
List items for Dual Executive Branch Compensation
Pursuant to Iowa Code section 68B.2B, an executive branch official or employee that receives simultaneous compensation from more than one executive branch agency is required to file a report with the Board within 20 business days of accepting employment with the second executive branch agency.
List items for Governor's Office Consent for Sales/Leases
Pursuant to Iowa Code section 68B.4B and Board rule 351-6.12, a permanent full-time member of the Governor's office is required to receive consent from the Governor's office prior to selling goods or services to registered lobbyists or clients of lobbyists. Copy of the consent is to be filed with the Board within 20 days of the consent being granted.
- View reports
List items for Personal Financial Disclosures
Personal financial disclosure reports for executive branch employees and officials are filed annually. Reports are due no later than April 30 for each year the person was in a required position (see Iowa Code section 68B.35). Candidates for statewide office file the report in the year in which they are on the ballot. Reports cover the previous year.
Personal financial disclosures for those running for or serving in the Iowa Senate or House of Representatives are filed with the Secretary of the Senate and Chief Clerk of the House, respectively.
List items for Regulatory Agency Consents for Sales/Leases
Pursuant to Iowa Code section 68B.4 and Board rule 351-6.11, an official or employee of a regulatory agency is required to receive consent prior to selling or leasing goods or services to persons subject to the authority of the official's or employee's agency. Copy of the consent is to be filed with the Board's executive director within 20 days of consent being granted.
List items for Sales by State Officials/Employees to State Agencies
Iowa Code section 68B.3 provides that except as part of official state duties, an executive branch official or employee shall not sell, in any one occurrence, any goods or services having a value in excess of $2,000 to any state agency unless the sale is made pursuant to an award or contract let after public notice and competitive bidding.
Except when performing official state duties, an official or a state employee making a permissible sale under this section shall file a report with the board within 20 days of making the sale.