About the Office

The office of executive director is established in Iowa Code section 68B.32. The director reports to and serves at the pleasure of the Iowa Ethics and Campaign Disclosure Board. As an independent agency of the executive branch of state government, the Board's director does not report to the governor. 

About the Director

Zach Goodrich serves as Executive Director and Legal Counsel of the Iowa Ethics and Campaign Disclosure Board. Director Goodrich leads the state agency charged with promoting the public's trust and confidence in government by enforcing ethical standards for government officials and the integrity of political campaigns. 

zach25 headshot

Director Goodrich was unanimously appointed by the Board in 2021 to serve in two statutory positions, executive director and legal counsel. In those roles, he is responsible for the agency's strategic vision, day to day operations, and serves as the Board's chief administrative and legal officer. 

Goodrich is a seventh-generation Iowan and a graduate of Simpson College and Drake University Law School. He has been involved in community activities including teaching U.S. citizenship classes, providing pro bono legal services to refugees settling in Iowa, and serving as Chair of the Iowa State Bar Association's Administrative Law Council. Outside of Iowa, Goodrich is a member of the Council on Governmental Ethics Laws and the American Council of Young Political Leaders. In partnership with the U.S. Department of State, he has worked internationally to combat corruption and promote transparency and accountability in government and politics. 

To contact Director Goodrich, send him a message at zachary.goodrich@iowa.gov