In the Matter of:

Royceann Porter, in her official capacity as Johnson County Supervisor

BA 2024-30

Admonishment for Improper Use of Public Resources

Iowa Code section 68A.505 prohibits the use of public moneys for political purposes, including expressly advocating the election or defeat of a candidate for public office. Iowa Administrative Code rule 351-5.1 states “the Board will construe the phrase ‘expenditure of public moneys for political purposes’ broadly to include the use of public resources generally.” 

Furthermore, “using public resources to produce and distribute communications that expressly advocate for or against candidates” is expressly prohibited by rule 351–5.4(2). To that end, public officials are prohibited from using their governmental email addresses to campaign.

Pursuant to Iowa Administrative Code rule 351-9.4(6), the above-named person is hereby admonished to exercise care in the future to ensure full compliance with Iowa’s government ethics and campaign laws. 

Dated this 8th day of October 2024.


Issued on behalf of the Board by:          

Zach Goodrich, Executive Director and Legal Counsel