In the Matter of: Amber Garman, Candidate, and Garman for Supervisor, Candidate’s Committee | BA 2024-31 Admonishment for Late Statement of Organization |
Iowa Code section 68A.201 requires a campaign committee to register with the Board by filing a Statement of Organization (DR-1) within ten days of exceeding $1,000 in campaign activities. The above-named candidate’s committee filed its Statement of Organization on September 11, 2024. However, subsequent campaign disclosure reports indicate the Statement of Organization should have been filed no later than August 25, 2024.
Pursuant to Iowa Administrative Code rule 351-9.4(6), the above-named candidate and candidate’s committee are hereby admonished to exercise care in the future to ensure full compliance with Iowa’s campaign laws and rules.
Dated this 4th day of November 2024.
Issued on behalf of the Board by:
Zach Goodrich
Executive Director and Legal Counsel